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Dear Parent/Guardian,
Senate Bill 530 requires beginning with the 2007-2008 school year, that the FITNESSGRAM physical fitness assessment be administered to all students in grades 3-12. FITNESSGRAM is a health-related fitness assessment developed by the Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research and is a research-based criterion reference test.
BISD considers FITNESSGRAM a quality assessment for three reasons:
FITNESSGRAM tests all students regardless of age, gender, or ability. Students are encouraged to be self-aware of health-related fitness and take responsibility by setting personal fitness goals. When students focus on the process of doing their personal best, a more positive lifelong impact is achieved.
On your child's test day, he/she should wear athletic shorts, a t-shirt, socks and tennis shoes underneath an appropriate warm-up suit (jacket and pants) or underneath standardized dress. Testing in warm-ups is permitted and your child may wear the warm-up suit the entire day. If your child forgets proper testing attire, he/she will proceed with the fitness test in standardized dress.
You may request a copy of your child's physical fitness assessment by submitting a letter to your principal at the end of the school year. BISD believes by providing you and your child with this health-related fitness information, you can lead your child toward a healthy lifestyle. A healthy student is better prepared to learn and perform in all aspects of life.
If you have any questions about the FITNESSGRAM assessment, please contact Sherri Hickerson, Physical Education and Fitness Coordinator (409-994-4870) or refer to FITNESSGRAM
Sherri Hickerson
Sherri Hickerson
Physical Education and Fitness Coordinator Buna 1SD
BHS Teacher of the Year
John VanDevender
BHS Para of the Year
Cathy Cagle